The plant shop will not be re-opening in 2025
Plants for Summer
We love the warmth of the summer. We like the long evenings to enjoy the garden and to sit back and relax amongst plants we have planted and nurtured. There might be a bit of weeding to do, of course, but the subsequent feeling of virtue is always worth it!
And summer brings its own pleasures in choosing plants, including the greater variety that come with the season. It’s good to get bedding plants in early on, although many are robust enough to go in later if cared for well.
Whatever your choice, be sure to plan ahead with an eye for what goes where and well. Think about shade loving plants and those that can tolerate heat and drought – and be prepared to water those plants that need it in the hot weather.

One of the great pleasures of gardening – whether it’s in a window box or in a large herbaceous border – is getting a good balance between colour, scent, size and texture. So think about setting one element off against another. From small succulents and alpines to bedding plants and climbers, to shrubs, perennials and grasses, we have something to suit every setting.
Many of the plants and plant types listed here make excellent hanging baskets.
Some of the plants typically in stock for summer include
Bedding and Pot Plants: think Pansies, Geraniums, Petunias and Begonias, Marigolds and Sweet Peas. Also don’t forget Busy Lizzies, Violas, Cosmos Daisies, and Primroses to name but a few.
Climbing plants: Honeysuckle, Jasmine, and Clematis , for example.
Alpine plants: Erodium, Saxifraga, Erigeron, Scutellaria are amongst our favourites
Succulents: often thought of as indoor pot plants (and excellent they are too in a pot!), succulents can also thrive outside and also when planted thoughtfully, in the ground. Good examples are Echeveria and Sempervivum (‘Hens and Chicks’).
Shrubs: Potentilla, Fuchsia, Lavender, Lavatera, Hebe all offer a range of colour and texture and many will flower all summer long.
Perennials: we love Armeria, Penstemons, Delphinium, Foxgloves, Hardy Geraniums, Salvias, Veronica and Verbena – the list could go on and on.
Grasses: Miscanthus, Panicum, Pennisetum, Carex, Festuca, Stipa – all are great for subtle colouring and texture
Bulbs: remember bulb plants are not just for Spring! Think – Allium, Tulbaghia, Crocosmia and Gladiolus
Whatever you’re looking for, it’s always best to look at the plants first hand, so why not pay us a visit. We have a good seasonal selection and by dropping in you may find something you haven’t seen or thought of before.
Call in if you live locally or can reach us with a short detour – we also have customers travelling many miles, so we know it’s never too far!
"Absolutely marvelous place and lovely owner!"

Our stock does change regularly through the seasons and we usually have a good supply of our customers' favourites.